Monday, February 23, 2009


OMG! I won my first giveaway!
Thank you so much Theresa from
Time-Worn Interiors

and then she also featured me on her blog...
Monday Morning Favorite Feature!

Thank you so much!!!


Lauri Evans said...

Congradulations Christine. you lucky girl. Lauri@chippys

time worn interiors said...

I mailed your package this morning, should be getting it in about 3 to 4 days!

The Tattered House said...

Oh I dont know if I should be jealous or excited....o.k., I'm over it...I am so excited you won Teresa's give away. You are a luck duck!!!

Patricia said...

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Your blog is just beautiful and congratulations on your award. I must grab a cup of coffee and have a longer look. Please have a wonderful weekend.